Week 8: Nanotechnology + Art
Image 1: Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France. Coming into this unit, I had very minimal knowledge about the nature of nanotechnology and its influence on the science and art communities. Nanotechnology goes a step further than traditional forms of technology, allowing for further collaboration between science and art. Artists can utilize nanotechnology to "investigate phenomena occurring beyond our human capacity to sense, and to amplify these interactions in such a way that they are able to be effectively experienced at the human scale" (Anonymous, 2010). In Dr. Gimzewski's third lecture on Nanotechnology for Artists, he introduced nanoparticles. Nanoparticles have a wide range of uses and came to light Roman Times. Nanoparticle coloration, depend on the form and size you can create a wide variety of different colors which "give the stained glass this marvelous quality that can't be achieved using regular pigments"...